Potato Soup Recipes
Easy Potato Soup

This easy potato soup is one of my all-time favourite potato soup recipes. It needs nothing more than potatoes, onions and rosemary, but the smell of it cooking will turn your kitchen into heaven.

Potato soup is comfort food of the first order. Smooth and creamy, infused with the warmth of the rosemary, and served alongside freshly baked bread, it makes a great lunch.

And if you served the soup in smaller bowls, with croutons, it can be a fine starter to a dinner party, or the first course of a family meal.

In our house, soup ingredients are rarely exactly weighed and measured. I'll make a big pot of soup, adding whatever is to hand. And if it turns out a little differently every time, then that's just fine with me.


Easy Potato Soup: Potatoes and Rosemary © Corinna Gissemann | dreamstime.comPotatoes and Rosemary
© Corinna Gissemann | dreamstime.com

This easy potato soup recipe will feed 4-6 people, but quantities are easily increased if you're cooking for a large family.

I like to use a floury potato for this soup, one that falls apart when cooking. In England, that would mean Roosters, Estima or King Edward potatoes.

If you have ready-made vegetable stock available, so much the better. Using just water, is fine, too. It will give your soup a clean, light taste. Just add a little more salt to taste.

You'll also need a large pan with a lid, or a stock pot and a blender.

  • 1 large white onion
  • 50g / 2oz butter
  • 500g potatoes
  • 2-3 sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • 1 litre of water or vegetable stock
  • 100ml double cream (optional)
  • salt and pepper to taste


Peel and finely chop the onion. Peel the potatoes and cut into chunks.

Heat the butter in the pan, then add the onion and cook until soft and translucent. This will take 5-10 minutes, depending on how finely you chopped the onions. Don't let the onions brown.

When the onions are soft, add the potatoes, rosemary sprigs and stock or water. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down a little and simmer until the potatoes are really soft.

Remove the rosemary sprigs and blitz or blend the soup until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

If you want your soup to be extra creamy, stir in the double cream a little at a time until you like the mix.

Serve with croutons or freshly baked bread.

Potato and Rosemary Soup © Mizina | Getty Images canva.comPotato and Rosemary Soup © Mizina | Getty Images canva.com

Diet Tip

Soups are a very useful standby to have in your recipes list if you're trying to lose a few pounds. And you definitely don't have to miss out tasting this very easy potato soup. Simply omit all the fat from the recipe. Don't sweat the onions, just add potatoes, onions and rosemary to your pan along with your stock or water and cook until everything is soft. The resulting soup will be much lighter, but equally tasty.

The Very Best Soup Recipes

Soup of the Day - 365 Recipes for Every Day of the Year

The Soup Book: 200 Recipes, Season by Season

Delicious Soups: Fresh and hearty soups for every occasion

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