Pea Soup Recipes
Green Pea Soup

Also known as Shropshire pea and mint soup, this pea soup recipe is blissfully easy and as tasty as all get out. It's also bright green (if you don't overcook it), decorative enough for a classy lunch (if you drizzle some mint oil on top) and an excellent standby when you're in a hurry (if you use frozen peas).

Making green pea soup will always remind me of a warm Saturday in early summer, even when it's the middle of winter! We were exploring the area around Malmesbury on the tandem and stopped in a little pub for lunch in the garden. This pea soup recipe, and especially the vivid taste of bright green mint oil drizzled over the soup, has stayed with me ever since.

If you can pick your peas and mint fresh from the garden just before cooking, the flavour of this soup will blow your mind. But even if all you have are frozen peas and a few sprigs of shop-bought mint, this soup is worth trying.

Pea Soup Recipes: Green Pea Soup © Elena Schweitzer | dreamstime.comGreen Pea Soup
© Elena Schweitzer |


This easy green pea soup recipe will feed 4-6 people, but quantities are easily increased if you're cooking for a large family.

If you have ready-made vegetable stock available, so much the better. Using just water, is fine, too. It will give your soup a clean, light taste. Just add a little more salt to taste.

You'll also need a large pan with a lid, or a stock pot and a blender.

  • 700g / 1.5lb shelled peas (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove of garlic (optional)
  • 50g / 2oz butter
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 1 litre of water or vegetable stock
  • a handful of fresh mint leaves (extra for making mint oil, see below)
  • 150ml double (heavy) cream
  • salt and pepper to taste

How to Make Green Pea Soup

  1. Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic.
  2. Heat the butter in the pan, then add the onion and garlic and cook until soft and golden. This will take about 5-10 minutes.
  3. Add the peas, sugar, most of the mint and the stock and bring to a simmer. Cook until the peas are tender.
  4. Season to taste with salt and pepper, add the remaining mint and blend your green pea soup until it is smooth and velvety.
  5. Stir in the double cream and check the seasoning.
  6. Serve with scattered chives or mint oil drizzled over the top.

How to Make Mint Oil

If you have fresh mint and olive oil in the house, then there's really no need to buy expensive bottled mint oil. To my mind, the freshly made oil tastes much better - and the colour is simply amazing.

You want a lot of mint for this, several handfuls in fact. Wash the mint carefully and pick the leaves. You don't want the stalks. Place the mint leaves into a mortar and add a pinch of salt. Now grind the mint down until it's a bright green, heady smelling mush. (And yes, it's very much like making pesto!)

Scrape the mashed mint into a small bowl and whisk in enough olive oil to obtain a slightly runny consistency. Add a little salt if you like, before drizzling the fragrant green sauce over your soup.

The Very Best Soup Recipes

Soup of the Day - 365 Recipes for Every Day of the Year

The Soup Book: 200 Recipes, Season by Season

Delicious Soups: Fresh and hearty soups for every occasion

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